Police, fire blotter (Feb. 24-26) | Crime | state-journal.com

2023-02-28 13:58:05 By : Ms. Xia Xiong

Sun and a few passing clouds. High 61F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph..

Clear skies. Low near 45F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.

The following calls were received by the Frankfort Police Department, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, Frankfort Fire and EMS, and Franklin County Fire Department over the weekend:

• At 7:14 a.m., officers were notified of an intoxicated driver on Schenkel Lane.

• At 10:07 a.m., officers at the police station on West Second Street took a theft report.

• At 10:25 a.m., officers at the police station on West Second Street took a theft report. A Lewis Street resident reported some things were taken from his porch.

• At 11:11 a.m., deputies took a theft report at Shell Five Star on Versailles Road. A caller reported a female stole two drinks and three pieces of banana bread and left in a white Ford Explorer.

• At 12:03 p.m., city firefighters and EMS were called to a smoke smell on Airport Road.

• At 12:53 p.m., deputies took an abuse complaint on Bondurant Drive.

• At 1:10 p.m., officers were notified of an armed and dangerous person at Papa John’s on East Main Street. A caller reported a male pointed a gun him and “racked it back.”

• At 2:13 p.m., officers at the police station on West Second Street took an assault report.

• At 4:05 p.m., officers took a theft report on East Main Street.

• At 4:07 p.m., city firefighters and EMS were called to a rescue at Carroll Academic Services on the Kentucky State University campus on University Drive. A caller reported someone was stuck in an elevator.

• At 5:03 p.m., officers, city fire and EMS responded to a non-injury motor vehicle accident on East Main Street near Atwood Avenue.

• At 6:30 p.m., officers took a theft report at Aldi on U.S. 127 South. A caller reported a purse containing ID and credit cards was stolen.

• At 10:28 p.m., officers, city fire and EMS were called to an injury motor vehicle accident on U.S. 127 South near Hampton Inn. A caller reported a two-vehicle accident near the Leonardwood Drive intersection. One female complained of head pain.

• At 11:08 a.m., officers took a theft report at Ulta Beauty on John Davis Drive. A caller reported $6,521 worth of products were stolen on Friday.

• At 11:56 a.m., officers were notified of a stolen vehicle on John Davis Drive.

• At 1:14 p.m., officers responded to a hit-and-run motor vehicle accident on the East-West Connector.

• At 1:36 p.m., county firefighters were called to a ground fire on Flat Creek Road.

• At 1:44 p.m., officers were called to a fight at Thorn Hill Education Center on Leslie Avenue. A caller reported parents were “egging on two children [who were] physically fighting.”

• At 3:02 p.m., officers were called to a hit-and-run motor vehicle accident on Augusta Street.

• At 8:17 p.m., officers and city fire were called to a ground fire on Wilkinson Boulevard.

• At 9:12 p.m., officers responded to a hit-and-run motor vehicle accident on the West Plaza Connector near Bald Knob Road.

• At 12:41 a.m., officers, city fire and EMS were called to a vehicle fire on Holmes Street.

• At 2:26 a.m., officers took a theft report at Speedway on U.S. 127 South. A caller reported a male stole an 18-pack of Bud Light around 1:50 a.m. The caller said the male went out the back door and took off on foot.

• At 3:03 a.m., officers and deputies were called to a possible burglary on Sheep Pen Road. A caller reported two people were trying to get in through a back window.

• At 6:14 a.m., officers, city fire, EMS and the coroner were notified of a deceased 50-year-old female on Hanly Lane.

• At 11:02 a.m., officers at the police station on West Second Street took an assault report.

• At 11:27 a.m., deputies and county fire were called to a ground fire on Sullivan Lane.

• At 12:36 p.m., officers, deputies, city fire and EMS were called to a non-injury motor vehicle accident on Wilkinson Boulevard near Frazier Road.

• At 1:18 p.m., deputies were called to a shots fired complaint on Browns Lane. A caller reported gunshots hit his house twice. The caller said he thinks people were possibly shooting from Bridgeport.

• At 1:26 p.m., officers took a fraud complaint on Missouri Avenue. A caller reported a relative was scammed out of money.

• At 2:15 p.m., officers took a theft report on Plaza Drive. A caller reported a juvenile stole her son’s bicycle.

• At 2:22 p.m., officers took a theft report on Old Dailey Avenue. A caller reported guns had been stolen.

• At 2:47 p.m., officers, city fire and EMS were called to a vehicle fire on the East-West Connector near Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

• At 3:01 p.m., officers, county fire and EMS responded to a non-injury motor vehicle accident on River Bend Road.

• At 5:20 p.m., officers took a theft report on Westland Drive.

• At 9:01 p.m., officers and deputies were called to a fight behind Fazoli’s on Leonardwood Drive. A caller reported two males were fighting by the dumpsters.

• At 9:05 p.m., officers were notified of a drug offense on Kimberly Drive.

• At 9:10 p.m., officers, deputies, city fire and EMS were called to a non-injury motor vehicle accident on U.S. 127 South.

• At 10 p.m., officers and deputies responded to a hit-and-run motor vehicle accident on the East-West Connector.

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